I recently posted about following my passions. I never in a million years thought that by just doing more of the things I enjoyed, that I would be led to discover my purpose.
So here's the proof that I walk my talk!
Ive been attending a weekly art class. BLISS!! This means I've had to miss one of my other joys - yoga! I've had to time manage and slot it in elsewhere. There is always time. Even though I'm not the best at this, I know how important it is to keep ono top of your commitments. Even 10 mins of Yoga for me, makes massive difference.
I've started to create something which I hope will help a lot of people. After the success of my revision and subject planners I created, Ive decided to go a bit deeper and dream a bit bigger. I'm only at the very start but I'm excited about where it could go. I wish I could sit down and pour everything into it right now, LIKE NOW! But I can't with a job, a home to run, a 3 year old, a partner, friends... A LIFE! Im not using my perceived busy life as an excuse, for not showing up, but I have to be kind to my self and know that I WILL make time and it will get finished.
I will not let fear (even the subconscious ones) to turn into avoidance and procrastination, which may mean it never gets finished!
In true Leonie style, Ive taken a ride on the idea donkey, Ive had to get off but the crazy idea creative donkeys are grazing in my garden for now :)
Ive spent a lot of time outdoors connecting with nature. Sounds pretty hippyfied... and yeah it kind of is! But its where I relax and let go. Noticing nature and the life force around me, I let go and find peace. So needed in todays busy world. I always take my phone (OBVS!) but I put it on airplane mode ;) so I don't get disturbed! ..... see Im not just a pretty face!
I'm also playing with the idea of being a veggie. My body hates meat - indigestion and bloat. Not attractive. So I'm listening and being kind. I feel about a stone lighter. Vegetarianism isn't for everyone. And Im not advocating cutting out any food group from your diet!!
And OMG! Ive grown my own flowers! Happiness!!
Thorough all of this I'm happier, calmer and feel like I'm doing what I should be doing. Sometimes I have to do it alone cos no one will come with me - but thats cool. I don't need approval and constant company. But high fives to the crazy people who are lovely enough to love what I love!
Stuff has been flying into my life almost at lightening pace. Ive been a guest blogger and client opportunities are flourishing too. Im writing more and this is helping me connect with more people, enabling me to inspire and help them! Just what I wanted :)
Peace out beauts xx
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