Monday, 20 July 2015

Wobble time!

We all get them. I'm having one right now. I'm having a "wobble". 

(I'm not sure which of my friends invented this phrase, but it's one we like to use a lot!)

I'm ratty and I'm moody and I'm generally pissed off.

No matter how much positive thinking I do,  how much I meditate, how hard and I try and work law of attraction, no matter how many angels I call upon. I'm having a wobble. 

A fear based wobble. 

If I didn't know what I know now, I'd think there was something wrong with me. I'd think I'm selfish and unworthy of all the nice things I have in my life, because dispite all the love and friendship and abundance I have, I'm in a mood and I'm being a cow to my nearest and dearest. 

But I know, because I've learned to analyse my moods and behaviour (mainly through EFT practice)  I know deep down I'm feeling like this because: 

I'm scared and I'm letting my ego or my human personality lead the way in my thinking. 

I'm not letting myself feel supported by something bigger than me (the universe, source, God) because my ego is in fear mode, trying to keep me safe. It's telling me to give up. 

I have one week left at work then I'm all alone. I'm leaving a secure job which pays well to do something that I haven't even figured out yet. What the actual f***?!

And so I'm scared. 

But I know this wobble won't last forever. And the fact that I'm writing about it gives it less power, and the more I write, the more I know I'm doing the right thing. 

I'm facing this wobble head on. 

Had it not been for all of my EFT practice, friends, my mentor and other spiritual practices I've learned about on the way, I'd probably have no clue what was wrong with me, and would think I was just being miserable, because I'm a miserable person. That's what I used to belive anyway. 

I'd smoke and drink to feel better. I'd cry and cry and cry. I'd mope about and feel sorry for myself. I'd beat myself up for not being grateful. I'd think I was a bad person. 

Wobbles are part of the process. Bad days, doubts and fears are all there to remind us we are human, but do we find the strength and courage to carry on? Of course we do!

So to all of us having wobbles out there. It's our egos/personalities way of keeping us safe and stuck. There's nothing wrong with us - don't listen to the mind monkey!

Shake it off and tell your fear... "thank you for looking out for me, I'm grateful that you're trying to keep me safe, but it's ok. I've got this. I'm going to be careful, I'm going to be brave." 

Then tell yourself... this is just fear, I'm letting my ego based fear get the better of me. It's all going to work out OK because I'm following my heart, my soul, my light. I'm doing what lights me up and just because that's different from everyone else, doesn't mean it's wrong or bad or that I'm doomed! 

Love, light and dreams!! 
Kathy xxx

Saturday, 11 July 2015

An ode to the Internet!

OK so this is a little off topic, but when I go to bed and try to sleep, I have the most crazy words and stories running through my head, I have to get up and write them down before I can sleep (Thank you Ever note!) Which leads me nicely onto this blog topic!

And ode to the Internet.

My first experience of you was aged about 16, crammed into my best friends spare room, which was just that, spare and full of junk. A tiny box room, with a single bed, a huge computer screen and a modem... what ever the f*ck that was... balanced on a rickety Argos computer desk. One of those desks that would become commonplace in every household of the 90's. 

I remember the screech and the alien sound of you in your infancy. Waiting an age to get into a 'chat room'; (my friend was so excited, I really couldn't have cared less,) only to be kicked off because my friends mum wanted to use the land line. (yeah! for real - you couldn't use the land line and the Internet at the same time, and yes, people used the land line religiously!) 

I couldn't wait to get back outside and 'see' people. The thought of chatting to some weirdo in a faraway place scared the pants off me and felt, well, weird! 

My next memory was at sixth form, I remember being huddled round a screen with some boys watching a foot ball clip. I stepped back and wondered what all the fuss was about. What was this Internet thing? Surely it will never take off. Thank f*ck cos I hated typing.

Truth is, I just wasn't that into you, I couldn't see how you could make my life any better, and to be honest - you scared me.

Now I carry you round in my pocket. My three year old daughter knows more about downloads and you tube and the pitfalls of having no WiFi.

Now you connect me to women and girls all around the world. I'm able to connect with people who I would never in a lifetime meet.  I'm able to make friendships and even make a living out of you. 

You connect me to people, information, facts, the world. You allow me to reach out and help. You allow me to share my gifts with potentially - the world. 

You allow my best friends daughter and my daughter be virtual best friends, even though they live 1000's of miles apart and have only met once. You allow me and my two best friends keep in contact even though we live in different continents, counties and time zones. We can still communicate like we did when we lived together - whats-apping 'what do you think' pictures from changing rooms and the like.

And although sometimes life is much more simpler with out you. I thank you. Thank you for making my life so rich and abundant. For keeping me in touch with loved ones. For connecting me with souls I need to be connected with. For giving me the information. 

Thank you, thank you thank you!

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

F. E. A.R. Why it has the ability to stop you and what you can do about it!


Fear of success, fear of failure, fear of the dark, dogs, flying, falling, spiders, fear of looking stupid, being made fun of, being left out, missing out, dying, shining, living, loving, happiness, getting your happily ever after and then not being happy.... Fear Fear Fear. 

It crates stagnancy. Stuck-ness. It paralyses. It freezes. It stops us statue-still in our tracks. It makes us think our deepest dreams are just that... dreams.
And dreams should be forgotten. Ignored.

It evokes panic. It creates disappointment, frustration, anger and makes you feel powerless - whatever you're scared of.

Fear is such a passionate topic for me because I spent most of my entire life scared - scared of what people thought of me, missing out, not doing as well as other people, not having enough money, failing, succeeding, frogs.. you name it, I have been scared of it. And the more and more I do this, the more and more young girls I come across who are also scared - but whereas my fear just kept me small, their fear seems to be controlling their lives and evoking panic and extreme anxiety. 

Why does fear do this?

Why does fear have so much power?

1. Firstly, fear is a primal instinct. Programmed into us to keep us safe long, long ago, when we needed to be safe to survive; safe from predators, life threatening situations and rival cavemen.

2. Secondly, fear will be heard over every other emotion or signal. And fear is relentless...fear won't subside or go away until the brain perceives the "danger" has gone.

3. And lastly and possibly most importantly, fear has no thermostat. If you (your brain) think or perceive something to be dangerous, whatever the danger is, (whether its looking foolish to being seriously injured) it will evoke the same response. The fight or flight response will be triggered whether you're being chased by an axe man or faced with something which you have developed a fear of; for example doing a presentation, an exam or being in large group. In today's society, we have access to more information and opinions from other people and sources than EVER before. Information and stimulation OVERLOAD seems to be causing more and more people to suffer with the side effects of being in constant fight or flight mode. (See my blog about stress and how EFT can help calm F or F here)

And while this can be exhilarating for some people, it can be debilitating for others.

The brain and mind perceive danger to be so painful, that whatever the danger is, it must be avoided at all costs. Even if it's not life threatening. Que panic attacks, stress, giving up and settling for a quiet mundane life - one where you mull through day to day, never really reaching or fulfilling any part of who you are. Letting fear rule your life experiences. 

Whether that's speaking in public, being around large groups of people, quiting your job, choosing a career which 'people' don't approve of, flying, spiders or the endless list of fears I could reel off. Your brain tells you to avoid it at all costs, whether it's life threatening or not. Some people go through life avoiding situations which aren't life threatening, because their brains and minds perceive that situation to be dangerous and so for them; that non life threatening situation becomes a full on threat and danger, and thus is avoided at all costs.

How can we move past fear?

I don't think there is one thing I can attribute to getting over my fear of practically everything - but a culmination of a range of practises.

1. Firstly EFT! EFT moved energetic and emotional blocks for me on a big scale. Whatever you're into, EFT is scientifically proven to reduce the activity of the amygdala (the part responsible for F or F) and in turn, calms its activity. I'm no longer scared of frogs, that's for sure! See my earlier blog posts for more on this.

2. Law of attraction. Cause and effect. What you think about, you bring about. The teachings of Abraham Hicks was life changing for me - I saw how my thoughts of lack, (always worrying that I wouldn't have enough) were actually causing my financial situation. I ordered and bought the Law of attraction CDs and listened to these in my car for about a year! As soon as I started changing my thoughts and imagining my ideal life - things started to change. The "law of attraction" was and is an integral part of my daily life. I try my best to spend as much time as I can imagining what I want next and 'manifesting' it. Cannot recommend this highly enough!

3. Practising gratitude daily, helped with my Law of Attraction and manifesting. 

4. Knowing that fear is a primal instinct helped me massively. I'm able to tell my brain that its ok to be scared - and thank it for keeping me safe, but I tell it, this situation isn't as scary as it seems and I would like it to go away! Sometimes I tap while speaking to myself in this way. Remembering I'M the one in control - NOT my body!

5. Crystals and Feng Sui -  citrine in the back left corner of your home is meant to bring financial prosperity. May sound totally crazy, but little things like this help me and evoke belief that everything will be ok.

6. Angels. OK... going totally cray now. I love Arch Angels and Doreen Virtue has a fantastic webpage and Facebook page where you can find an abundance of information about the AA's. Angel card readings have also been lovely. AA Gabriel is my favourite angel right now. 

7. I once read a quote which said: "To overcome self-doubt, we have to acknowledge our venerability (fear) but act with confidence." And so I try my best to follow this at all times. When something scares me, like a situation or the result of what might happen as a result of XYZ, I say to my self: "Ok fear, whats really going on here? why is this scaring me so much?" Listening to the answers from my inner voice usually allows me to rationalise the fear. Doing a Warrior pose (video link) whilst doing this and making myself feel really strong helps move the feelings of fear!

8. Not giving a s*it what people think! It's quite an eye opening thing this. I know exactly who I can trust and who's got my back - everyone else simply doesn't matter. If I find my self hung up on one person, I usually tap it out until the feelings subside and then carry on. It's also interesting who gets in touch with you - who's happy to see you happy once you move through fear and do something life changing! 

The ones who don't praise you, support you and cheer you on are simply not ready to see you shine brighter than them. Thats not your fault, its their issue. One lasting quote from my Mentor which I will always remember ~ "Its none of your business what other people think of you!" And its NOT! Don't waste your life worrying about what other people think. Who cares?! Let Karma - or Law Of Attraction deal with them. I know what I think about me and what my friends and family think of me - no one else matters!

9. Meditation. Mediation brings peace and calm on an enormous scale. Meditation now moves me inside, where I can hear my inner voice and when I need help or in a fearful situation, I can ask for guidance from my inner voice and I get it. Trusting that it will all be ok and that we are all always looked after. Noticing the physical cues like the burn I get in my chest or the avoidance or procrastination I do when Im scared of completing something, helps me know what I'm really scared of, so I can deal with it.

10. Realising and accepting not every day will be Rosy and carefree! Life is a roller coaster - you just gotta ride it! (This Ronan Keating Lyric is rolling around in my head!) and it is. Up days, down days, middle of the road average days, PJ days, busy days, totally knackering, stressful full-on days, picnic days, family days, alone days, boring days, adventure days. Take them all. Accept them all. I'd love to spend every waking moment nurturing my adventure seeking soul, but if i did, I'd be shattered and probably end up very bored! I'd also love to fill up my artistic soul everyday - but if I did I'd end up with a lack of inspiration, feel frustrated and hate it. Accept that each day will be different and there are no SHOULDS. Never feeling like you should be doing something else. Just be here now. 

"Someone once called me fearless, I'm not fearless, I just won't allow fear to stop me!" 

I pulled this quote out of a magazine and stuck it right in the centre of my 2015 vision board. No idea why. But it seems to be the theme of 2015 for me! Fear is such a debilitating emotion and more and more young girls are allowing fear to stop them. I'm so passionate about this - I want to help millions of young females move past their fears so that they can shine brightly and light up the world!

Please get in touch if you'd like to know anything about dealing with your fears xx

Love and Light 
Kathy xx

Gratitude; are you giving yours and reaping the benefits?

Hello lovely people! Questions for you...

How do you end your day? 
Do you ever notice or praise yourself for your daily achievements? 
Do you ever sit down (like really sit down and actually think and write down) and give gratitude or thanks? 

Sometimes? No? Never?
Me neither, until about 6 months ago.
My mentor and trainer Sally Canning introduced me to gratitude at the start of 2014 and it was ace... I'd never even heard of the concept at that point and I found it facinating to learn about how the body reacts when we feel grateful and all the benefits which come from this emotion. I came accross am amazing transcript of a speach by R. L. Huntington which quotes:

"Dr. Emmons and his colleagues found scientific proof that people who practice gratitude through activities such as keeping a gratitude journal are more loving, forgiving, and optimistic about the future. They exercise more frequently, report fewer illnesses, and generally feel better about their lives."
You can read the full transcript here:
So, because of those reasons and other influences in my life, and with a need to be more positive, (see why in this blog) I started a full gratitude journal at the start of the 2015. (Bit late on the uptake really! Before this I used to write them in my phone, or on scraps of paper, haphazardly and sporadically)
Dedicating a day to a page of my gorgous journal which I keep by my bed. It's been amazing, helping me keep positive, reminding me to notice and realise the little things in life that I'm grateful for ... EACH day!  (Even when I really don't feel like it!)
I even notice things during my day and make a mental note to write them down ... this makes me thankful in that moment, making me more mindful, more present in my life - there and then. Being thankful for the little things lifts your spirits and it's been proven to reduce stress, worry and anxiety. Please read the transcript I reference above! 
At this point, I have to share this quote which I adore from Kung Fu Panda. I was reminded of it when I completed my Art of Living Happiness Programme in January 2015. (Thank you Ravi!)

"You are too concerned about what was and what will be. The past is history, the future is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present."
 ~ Oogway, the wise old monkey.
I also recently worked with a lovely young lady who has been on a transformational journey of her own. After suffering massive panic attacks and coming close to serious depression following traumatic events beyond her control, she now stands on the edge of her future. She's needed a lot of support and help, however she seems to have embraced every possible suggestion and wholeheartedly committed to her own journey to get herself better.
One thing that she attributes to helping her is what she calls a mood diary. 

Each day she would reflect briefly her main challenges and how they made her feel. She notes any big shifts in behaviour and any problems. She also then makes a point of listing a (or a few) positives. Things that day that she achieved, that she was proud of. Similar to me; things she was grateful for. 

The young lady showed me her mood diary and it was amazing to see her development tracked out on paper. It's so inspiring.
Are you stuck in a crappy or negative place? Or starting to suffer with feelings of anxiety, worry, painic?
I challenge, encourage, ask you to:

~ Journal (just write out your thoughts) or keep a mood diary or simply just to write a list of 3-5 things you're grateful for each day.

~ Use "thank you" more in your vocabulary. Does someone mean a lot to you, but you don't often show it? Say it, tell them. Thank them. 

~ Can't face speaking face to face? Get some funky post it's (cos for me it's all about stationery!) And leave little thank you notes all round the house, around the office or even in the supermarket, for your loved ones or strangers to find.
Commit to doing just one thing differently for a month, 30 days, and see the effects....
I can't recommend it highly enough. Just spending 5 mins giving thanks or praising yourself each evening is transformational. (And of course... it's a perfect excuse to get new pens and a pretty pad!)

*Did I mention I LOVE stationery!?

Loads of love and light :)

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

A late night note to me, my soul and I xx

This is me. Who I am. Who I'm supposed to be.

This is a letter to me. To remind me who I am and what I'm here to do.  What lights me up the most.

I just saw the most horrific case of double child neglect on TV.  (A child was neglected and then in turn neglected her own child ad a teenage parent) it lead to the death of a beautiful baby. My heart broke and I sobbed. For the dead baby, for the teenage child mother. For the abuse she suffered and for the life which led her to treat her children in the way she did. My soul screamed at me.... help the girls. HELP THE GIRLS.

I've always maintained throughout my journey that I wanted to help people.  That has never ever changed.  But each new situation and as each layer of my ego falls away, I'm presented with more and more heartbreaking stories of how young girls, teenagers, are suffering. Their life experiences are so screwed up that they're pushed further into their dark.

It makes me so mad that their lights aren't shining brightly.

My light was dimmed.  Not in horrific circumstances, but over time. It was more gradual. And I thank God that it was. Because if my path had been different,  I wouldn't feel their pain like I do. I wouldn't empathise and feel their desperation. I wouldn't hear this call inside me.

I'm ashamed, that for a long time, I've had a smidgen of snobbery about who I want to help. Maybe it's not so much snobbery, but fear keeping me safe and stopping me from dreaming too big.

This all has to change.

A while back I had a small glimmer of an idea about setting up a refuge or a charity or some kind of centre. Where I could have a team of staff doing amazing work. All for free. Going out into communities. Helping teenage girls. Inspiring them.
But I dimmed the light that shone on that idea, why? Well because it seemed too big, like too much effort, who am I to do such a thing?! How on earth would I do it?! Pffft!

To be honest, fear took hold and made me turn my back on that idea. Choosing to instead focus on something more safe. (Errr hello! Fear based reaction!)

But after witnessing and sobbing and feeling the light in my heart ache when I saw this young girl, I felt inspired to write this. I'm putting it out to the universe to help guide me in the right direction.  I'm acting upon my souls whispers. This is my first step. I have no idea what the next will be. Thats ok.
But I'm not letting fear stop me xx

Please visit my website or Facebook page for more ways to contact me.

Thursday, 2 July 2015

Walking the talk! Living my passions

Walking my talk....

I recently posted about following my passions. I never in a million years thought that by just doing more of the things I enjoyed, that I would be led to discover my purpose.

So here's the proof that I walk my talk!

Ive been attending a weekly art class. BLISS!! This means I've had to miss one of my other joys - yoga! I've had to time manage and slot it in elsewhere. There is always time. Even though I'm not the best at this, I know how important it is to keep ono top of your commitments. Even 10 mins of Yoga for me, makes massive difference.

I've started to create something which I hope will help a lot of people. After the success of my revision and subject planners I created, Ive decided to go a bit deeper and dream a bit bigger. I'm only at the very start but I'm excited about where it could go. I wish I could sit down and pour everything into it right now, LIKE NOW! But I can't with a job, a home to run, a 3 year old, a partner, friends... A LIFE! Im not using my perceived busy life as an excuse, for not showing up, but I have to be kind to my self and know that I WILL make time and it will get finished.

I will not let fear (even the subconscious ones) to turn into avoidance and procrastination, which may mean it never gets finished!

In true Leonie style, Ive taken a ride on the idea donkey, Ive had to get off but the crazy idea creative donkeys are grazing in my garden for now :)

Ive spent a lot of time outdoors connecting with nature. Sounds pretty hippyfied... and yeah it kind of is! But its where I relax and let go. Noticing nature and the life force around me, I let go and find peace. So needed in todays busy world. I always take my phone (OBVS!) but I put it on airplane mode ;) so I don't get disturbed! ..... see Im not just a pretty face!

I'm also playing with the idea of being a veggie. My body hates meat - indigestion and bloat. Not attractive. So I'm listening and being kind. I feel about a stone lighter. Vegetarianism isn't for everyone. And Im not advocating cutting out any food group from your diet!!

And OMG! Ive grown my own flowers! Happiness!!

Thorough all of this I'm happier, calmer and feel like I'm doing what I should be doing. Sometimes I have to do it alone cos no one will come with me - but thats cool. I don't need approval and constant company. But high fives to the crazy people who are lovely enough to love what I love!

Stuff has been flying into my life almost at lightening pace. Ive been a guest blogger and client opportunities are flourishing too. Im writing more and this is helping me connect with more people, enabling me to inspire and help them! Just what I wanted :)

Peace out beauts xx

What's your purpose? Are you living yours?

"If you can't figure out your purpose, figure out your passion, for your passion will lead you directly to your purpose." T. D. Jakes.

It's a great quote. But actually, how scary would it be to follow the advice?

You maybe choosing your options - GCSE or A Level,  maybe even thinking about what to do at Uni? Or you're finishing your Uni course and now you have to get a real job? You could have even done all this, have a job and you STILL don't know what to do.

I certainly didn't.

I pretty much had no clue what to do with my life until last year. I'm 32.

I have vague memories of my passions from the ages of about 8 and again at 10. But these memories are there because they're quite painful. I remember trying my best at something I loved, only for it all to go wrong. Embarrassing. Door closed. I learned it was too painful and embarrassing to do what I loved, so I stopped doing it.

It's taken me A LOT of digging, searching, regressing,  being brutally honest,  hiding,  testing, trying and generally going on a massive emotional journey to get just a bit of my passion back.

Such a big part of me has fought this, on every level. My negative nagging voice has told me to give up endless times. But I'm determined to find my purpose in this world. I know I'll never be truely happy until I do. Trust me; I've had a decent job, decent car, nice house.....nice "stuff" and part of me still craved more. Part of me, dispite having all the material abundance I could have wished for, was still unhappy, or rather "unfullfilled". Im certainly not unhappy with my life - I have an amazing partner, a beautiful healthy daughter, loving friends and family, even a better than average dog and much, much more - I love so much of my life.

It is my career and what I do day in day out which gives me this sense of unfulfillment.

I don't want to live like that anymore.

As an intuitive sensitive empath (or highly sensitive person) I always felt alone, lost, confused,  unable to make decisions on my own and fully insecure about my path in life.

So I'm sharing to help, inspire and evoke change. (Belive it or not - That's one of my passions!)

I don't want more of you guys, to do this. Waste your time. Spend endless years in miserable jobs, endless time searching and wishing things were different. And making bad decisions which will not and do not make you happy.

So what do I believe? 

Well, firstly we all have a purpose. Wether you believe in God or not - the universe has a purpose for you in this lifetime. When you live it, realise it and honour it, you will find happiness. I'm just starting to realising this. Nothing makes me happier than helping people, inspiring and creating. It's a joy that is like no other. Pure joy and happiness.

I also believe your passions are evoked and developed in childhood.

Then, most of us, have some kind of experinece or influences from peers/parents role models etc. which put us off our passion. I.e. comments like "you can't make a living being an artist", "It's not a real job" or thoughts like "That hobby I have (i. e. Baking, decorating cakes, designing dresses, writing,  making music, drawing, creating), is nice and I'm good at it, but you're not the best" or "it's a tough industry to break", "you need to stop dreaming get a real job".... blah blah.

And our passion gets forgotten, swept away and dismissed. As it did for me.
Maybe you've had a similar experience?

See, I loved creating things for other people to have fun with or use. I remember making a treasure hunt style game with some "The little mermaid" stickers (man, I so wanted to be a mermaid!) for a brownie camp I was going on. I spent days putting them together and creating. I was in my flow. I was doing something I loved. I wanted people to enjoy and have fun using my resource.
I was so excited. Sadly, I'd not thought it out fully enough (I was about 8) and it didn't work out. EVERYONE knew it had gone wrong. It was so embarrassing and painful. Blergh! I learned never to do it again. And I didn't.  I stopped creating things for people to enjoy at the age of 8 or 9.

I loved art and design,  and chose these as options at school,  but never felt "good enough" to follow them through into a career. I'm naturally a perfectionist and because I wasnt the best in my class, I didn't feel I could follow these subjects through to university because they're would be tons more talented people than me and it was too painful and embarrassing to "not be the best" and it wasn't worth my time and effort.

Realising this about myself has been a huge weight off my shoulders. It's made me realise that I don't have to he the best at everything I do, and slowly I'm learning to trust  myself, my soul, again and rekindle my connection to what I love.  But how sad....

I missed out on a whole 3-5 years of undergraduate study, possible careers and expeeineces which would have directly linked to my passions and possibly my purpose.

Ok, so what I'm saying rings true,  you've had a similar experience to me. You have a incling of what your purpose could be but..... and it's a big but:

-You're scared
-You don't think you're good enough
-What will people think?
-You're never going to earn much money
-You have a job, you should be grateful
-You cant possibly turn your back on a career or job now... it's too late!

No, no, no, no, NO!

I'm living proof. At 32, I'm quitting my job as a successful teacher after 7 years. Who knows what the future holds, but all I know is that life is too short to let FEAR determine my happiness and fulfilment.

And it was so surprising to find out that fear of not having "stuff" in the future was one of the main worries that teens felt when I conducted some research.

Worries about not getting a good job, not being able to buy a house, a car, clothes.

There we have it. FEAR.

Fear of not being the best.
Fear of not fitting in.
Fear of not having enough money.
Fear of following our dreams.
Fear of being embarrassed.
Fear of looking silly.
Fear of not being a success.
Fear of not having enough stuff.
Fear of what people will think.
Fear of not living up to expectations.

Fear keeps us stuck.

So what did I do? What can YOU do?

Re-read that quote. Then follow it.

If you can't figure out your purpose, figure out your passion, for your passion will lead you directly to your purpose.

I took the time to remember what my passions were: helping people, giving advice, yoga, eating well (nutrition), adventure, the outdoors, creating (specifically for me drawing and painting), and surprisingly; writing.
I took the time to build these into my busy life, daily and weekly.
I took little steps.
I took the time to journal and rediscover what was already inside of me.
I made a massive effort not to let other peoples ideals, standards and perceptions affect MY choices.
I did what was right for me. 
I made a pact with fear - that I would recognise it as just that; a feeling of fear, then I chose to walk right on by it, right through it. 
I made sure I took time to reflect and learn from every one of life misdemeanours, mishaps and set backs. 
I made no solid plans and have no preconceptions of how this will turn out.
I made a decision to trust.

I surround myself with positive and uplifting people. I read, I absorb and try my best to walk my talk. I give thanks, I appreciate what I have, I practice my skills and talents.

Most of all, I value my inner voice and I live in the moment. 

Until next time....

I send you love xxx

Is there ever a bright side to depression? Link to my guest blog post.

My Writing has been published on CYT blog! So pleased and chuffed - I made an aim of being a guest blogger, and it happened! Hope you like it x