So I've been reading a book called "Light is the new black" by Rebecca Campbell and within it she encourages you to be who you are and come out of the spiritual closest; if you're in one!
" I don't share to teach or convince others, I share to make those who feel the same as me feel less alone"
That sold it to me.

All my fears about "what people would think" went out the window; what people think of me is none of my business.
If you don't like it or its too weird for you, I'm cool with that. I've never been everyone's cup of tea!
All I care about is making people who feel the same as me feel less alone. It's that simple.
Anyone who knows me, knows I'm a bit weird. Quirky, kooky and well, a bit different.
Yeah! I'm not lying. This type of personality type/person actualy exists and I believe there is loads of us out there.
I'm proudly one of them, and it is my HSP personality type thats made me discover so much about spirituality.
I intuitively know stuff, without being told or ever learning it. Nothing fazes me.
Just Googling "empath" or "highly sensitive people", will connect you to a whole new world!
I stopped listening to this part of me and acted nievely and could be quite insensitive at times, often putting my foot in it and cringing for days afterwards about what I said. Or being overly loud and a bit crazy (this always involved alcohol I might add!). I certainly HATED the empathic side too; crying in public or at strangers weddings is NOT cool, and being thought of as a wimp because I get tired when I'm overwhelmed and over stimulated, makes me feel like a total baby.
I'm so sensitive to smells - perfume is like the most potent and head-ache inducing poison. Blergh!
I can intuitively feel and sense someones emotions, sometimes this effects my moods and it can be totally confusing to know exactly how I feel.
'm and so easy going, hard working, fun, creative, adventure seeking, active and highly amusing (so I'm told!) it's not all doom and gloom being a HSP! Reading Heidi Sawyers book made me understand why I was one and all the benefits of being one. The links between discovering this about myself and discovering my own spirituality were astonishing to me.
I once read that empaths will be in-demand in a rapidly changing world - knowing intuitively how to solve issues and problems. The world is evolving and the human race is too.
With books like "The Highly Sensitive Child" by Elaine Aron and "The Strong, Sensitive boy" by Ted Zeff, it's obvious there are more Empaths or HSP's being born in the world, and struggling to fit in, just like me.
So, what about spirituality?
To my mum I would admit I wanted to be a holistic therapist, but to the world I just wanted to be accepted.
I always felt lonely, I always felt like a victim and I never honoured my 'self'.
I lived in my Human Ego Personality.
I know, belive and wholeheartedly understand that this has happened to thousand if not millions of girls and women all across the globe, but now it's safer than ever to delve back into your spirit, your inner voice and a your soul.
Celebs like Russell Brand is doing a STERLING job of trying to wake up the world, even Kanye, Madonna, Gwyneth P, Richard Gere, Mel Gibson, Tom Cruise, Goldie Hawn and Oprah talk openly about their spiritual side.
I know I'm a little out there, but I'm intelligent, savvy, talented, funny, grateful, kind, caring, attentive, loving, sensitive, empathic and I make the most of what I have.
Everyone is on a journey.
We are all just at different points of that journey and there isn't even an end point.
Just when you think there is, something massive comes along and shows you there's more room to grow.
I believe we are all a soul, who's been here for lifetimes, in a human body. Each soul chooses the body, the family, the parents and even the experiences we have.
The more of us that wake up, the less dark there is. The more love, unity and peace there is, the more quickly the world will ascend.
The more benefits to humanity, the planet and our future generations.
That's cool, because here is where I share the real me. I've finally found somewhere I can pour out my heart and head and help people.
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