Friday, 11 December 2015

"Its not my hormones its my amygdala!"

It's Not My Hormones, It's My Amygdala!

Tired, moody, angry, impulsive, hungry, off-balance, gangly, awkward, curious…

All make up the tell tale signs of adolescence; your teenage years.

How often are your mood swings, rages and impulsive behaviour put down to simply 'hormones' without any real proper explanation? Weekly? Daily? Hourly?!

Your teenage years are pretty much the most confusing and bewildering times of your life and to simply be told 'Oh it's just your hormones', is quite frankly - misleading and disempowering.

Recent advances in neuroscience have dramatically changed the way we understand adolescent behaviour and learning this new information during my TeenYoga training was mesmerising and truly mind blowing. I just HAD to share it.

You see, while your hormones play a pivotal role in your adolescent behaviour and appearance, they are not entirely to blame for your behaviour and emotional reactions.

Your brain development is.

During adolescence, the brain undergoes a huge process of maturation. I've learned that the brain grows from back to front, and the front part of the brain, (the pre-frontal cortex) which is responsible for 'the moderation of "correct" behaviour in social situations, impulse control, moderating intense emotions, stopping inappropriate behaviour, for seeing possible consequences of behaviour etc; all what I like to call "adult behaviour", is last to develop and mature - usually around the age of 25.

So until then, until this 'master of all adult behaviour' part of your brain develops, you process emotional 'stuff' through your amygdala. 

My what now?!

Your amygdala - a small part of the brain nestled securely in your mid-brain.

Unfortunately for you, the amygdala is the emotional centre of the brain.

These two crucial pieces of information (the fact that your pre-frontal cortex is still developing and that you're using the amygdala to process emotional stuff) may explain why you react a little on the crazy and impulsive side when it comes to emotional processing. 

It's not my hormones, it's all to do with my brain then?

Partly true, while the neuroscience research is groundbreaking in explaining your behaviour, your hormones do have a part to play.

For example, oestrogen needs to be balanced to prevent mood swings, progesterone when imbalanced can cause sluggishness, depression, weepiness and crying, sugar cravings and poor concentration and testosterone can cause aggression.

Hormones are indeed essential for your growth from a child into an adult; oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone are all essential for your physical development (growth of muscle, bone density, public hair, widening of the hips, decent of the testes, breastfeeding growth) as well as performing crucial roles during conception, fertilisation and pregnancy; so they shouldn't be looked upon as 'annoying chemicals which make me act in a weird way and that make me feel so crappy', but rather essential chemicals which enable your body to function correctly

The way you treat them is super important.

Your hormones and their glands, aka the testes, the ovaries, adrenal, pituitary, pancreas, thymus, thyroid, hypothalamus and pineal; (known as the endocrine system) are some of the most important and vital parts of your body, and while yes, if unbalanced they can cause significant mood changes and aggression, it is still your brain which controls your behaviour.

You are also developing huge amounts of white matter in the corpus callosum - which connects the left and right parts of the brain - this means that you're developing ways of thinking creatively, analytically and devising strategies for coping with life's challenges. 

You simply haven't yet mastered the adult world and how to control your behaviour.

To your parents, teachers or older siblings, your behaviour seems totally irrational - it's like they have forgotten what it feels like to be a teenager, but trust me, they felt this way too! And to any parents, teachers or older siblings reading this - remember how you felt as a teenager? Remember how tough it was?

Another major part of growing up is learning how to assess risks and consequences. Teenagers are risk takers because they have to be. You're learning what you can and can't do, what you can and can't say to who and when and in what manner. Your brain is learning how to be.. it's that simple.

So how can I ensure my hormones are balanced?

The Endocrine system is made up of glands; each secrete a hormone and they tirelessly work to keep your body in a natural state. However external influences (alcohol, drugs, sugar, diet, stress) can all cause hormonal imbalances, which in turn make the symptoms 100 times worse.

Getting a varied diet full of grains, vegetables and fruits is essential and stimulating the glands with yoga postures can help their regulation. Keeping stress free and getting lots of rest makes sure your body, and more importantly your endocrine system, can work correctly.

Annoyingly true - but being healthy and partaking in activities such as yoga, are the best way to make sure your hormones stay balanced and work correctly. You're still going to get mood swings, weepy, aggressive and tired; but learning about this gives you the power back. 

A yoga class is the perfect way to deepen your understanding of your self. Learning ways to manage and observe emotions and understanding your own body are pivotal parts of a TeenYoga class.

I was lucky enough for this blog to be published by my Teen Yoga Training school - you can find the full blog post including "A Message From Your Brain" HERE 

A Message From Your Teenage Brain

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Full Moon - I've surrendered and I've grounded

Today I took myself off for some self healing. After a tough week I just knew the only thing for me was to connect to nature. As I took deliberately grounding and purposeful steps on the muddy, wet ground I felt an instant connection.

I stopped off with various trees and checked in; touching the rough, woody bark and absorbing the rooted, grounded energy.

Something called me to the water. As I walked towards it I felt again, instantly at peace. The familiar woodland and moss covered rocks lined my path made me sense a connection and stirred up memories of times before. The water today was different; lighter in colour and flowing vivaciously down under the bridge where it settled into a quiet pool. The colours of the water were lighter and more aqua marine than usual. I closed my eyes and listened to the rushing water. I took time to connect to mother earth, the surrounding sounds making it familiar once again.

Thanking myself, I walked back to reality with a calmer and more grounded head.

 The mood still hasn't lifted but I feel a sense of what I needed is now within me.

On this full moon,  take time to ground yourself and feel connected to mother earth. Embrace your feminine and allow the waves of emotion to flow through you. Don't fight it today.

Happy Full Moon. Let this be a reflective time for you. Rest and listen to the whispers of your heart.

Namaste x

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

The Importance of Breath

If you didn't already know I've just completed my Teen Yoga training! This qualifies me to teach mindfulness techniques and Yoga to teens; this is SO huge for me! It's practically my dream job.

Yogic principles, for me, embody everything for a well balanced, fulfilled, happy and healthy life. But one aspect sticks out for me and it always has done; pranayama - breathing.

Why is breathing so important and what are the benefits?

It's evidenced that practicing pranayama (breath control) can promote greater concentration and mental focus, reduce fatigue, reduced anxiety and depression, lower blood pressure, increase energy levels, allow muscle relaxation, decrease feelings of stress and overwhelm. 


Which is massive! From just controlling the breath you can affect the body in hugely beneficial ways. Its mind blowing to see the impact breathing could have on the wider community and population; which is the reason for me banging on about it now :)

Controlling my breath gives me such a sense of control. When I feel like everything is buzzing around me and I can't control what's going on; I connect to my breath and control it. 

It is said that "To control the breath is to control the mind" and I couldn't agree more. Not only does controlling my breath give me a feeling of control, I have noticed I sleep better, have more awarenes of my own 'self' and my feelings and this gives me greater control over how I act and react to situations, people and my 'stresses'.

I also notice a reduction in IBS symptoms; which is always a bonus. 

How can I breathe correctly and control my breath?

How often do you breathe properly? Notice your breath now, is it shallow, fast, slow, barely moving past the top half of your ribs? Which parts of the lungs is the oxygen flowing to?

Full Yogic breath consists of bringing the breath down into the belly area (diaphragmatic breathing), expanding the ribs outwards (thoracic breathing) and filling the top part of the lung, around the collar bone (clavicular) in one smooth, full deep breath. Then allowing the breath to be let go in reverse order; top, then ribs, then tummy.

The best way to do this is to lie down and inhale through your nose; take a few deep breaths and then inhale into the tummy, followed by the chest; feel the ribs expand, lastly fill the top part of your lung. Pause then exhale contracting the ribs and then the tummy, making the exhale slightly longer than the inhale. Try breathing in for 4 and out for 6.

Try 5 breaths like this and see how you feel. It can make people dizzy momentarily as the body isn't used to receiving so much oxygen. Try up to 10 breaths and check in with how you feel. You may only need to do this once a day, but you can do it as often as you like throughout your day.

If this can't be done, due to circumstance, I personally just do tummy breathing whenever I can - so if Im going somewhere and I feel nervous, I quietly breathe in through my nose and expand my tummy, breathing out through my nose and allowing my tummy to fully contract; exhaling all the stale air from my lungs making my exhale longer than my inhale.

I also use this practice to check in with how I'm feeling, which is useful for me as a sensitive! 

If you're local to me (Dinnington/Anston/S25/S26) and you would like to attend a Stress busting session or a Yoga lesson please get in touch via email

Kathryn Pearson is an EFT practitioner and Teen Yoga Teacher specialising in helping sensitive teens and young women combat stress, fear and worry. Her mission is to give the next generation the confidence and tools to break free from negative thinking and be able to follow their dreams, using EFT, a meridian energy therapy, often referred to as tapping, and other successful positive mindset practises and strategies.  Visit her website or contact

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Thursday, 29 October 2015

Fear of Failing

Fear of Failing, (or FoF as I'm going to call it from now on), is possibly the single biggest reason for not getting started, for putting off your biggest wishes, for never writing the big goals, for never daring to dream, for simply doing nothing.

FoF has been stopping people for lifetimes.

"I'm not doing that in case it doesn't work out...."

"I won't try my best in case it isn't good enough."

"I couldn't possibly do that..."

"I'm not setting myself up for disappointment, so I'm not going to 'dream', just in case it doesn't happen."

I hear these kinds of phrases all the time - for a long time they used to come out of my mouth - so trust me when I say I know how you feel. 

You don't want to think about the exciting, amazing, dreamiest stuff that you could achieve, because what if it doesn't happen? How bad will you feel then? What will X say about your biggest dream? Will they laugh? 

"I know: its better to be safe than sorry, lets just aim for somewhere in the middle, yeah, the middle, I'm ok with the middle. The middle is achievable, it's not too hard, it's just right. I know, lets just do what everyone else does and then we will be totally fine. I'm too scared to really go for it, because what if it doesn't pay off. Yeah, this is a good way to feel safe - great plan. Let's just aim for the middle, lets just do enough, lets just do enough to be ok. I'm not even going to think of that big amazing thing I really want out of life, because well, what if I put in ALL this effort and then when I get there I don't want it? Or its not as good as I hoped? Or it means something will have to change? Or what if..... I FAIL?! OMG....too scary, can't even go there, that feels awful. Yeah lets NOT dream. Lets just do the safe option."

Does this sound like anyone else's inner dialogue?

I've been thinking a lot about how I finally managed to control this inner dialogue and change. There's no fool proof, 100% guaranteed way of getting away from FoF, it's taken me, and I'm sure it will take you, a lot of trial and error, a lot of mistakes and a lot of reflection, but, you know what, if you can own your FoF, really own it and know it, you can master it.

Try this:
Awareness, acknowledgement and action.

- Be aware of your fears, especially around failure, be open about them

- Acknowledge your fears, maybe even write them down, talk about them with a supportive friend or family member - get their take on it.

- Then, take action regardless. "Feel the fear and do it anyway" - Susan Jeffers.
Feel the feeling of fear and push past it, see whats on the other side. If you never move past fear - how do you know whats on the other side?

Here's a few tips to help you with your FoF in addition to the A, A, A above.

1. Read the Susan Jeffers book; "Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway" - it's a short self help book, which focuses on positive affirmations. Which yeah, are great, they helped me so much, but what I found so inspiring is her take on fear. You've done scary things in the past and they haven't killed you - whats different with this one?

Really own that fear - then choose to feel it and do what ever it is you want to anyway.

2. Breathe. Whenever it all gets too much or you are scared about something new, take time to breathe and relax. Use a mediation app/video, a yoga class or pause and take 10 deep breaths feeling your tummy rise and fall (using your diaphragm to breathe). It is calming and relaxing for your Central Nervous System. There's always time for breathing.

3. Get focused. If you're scared of not achieving a goal, for example, then BREAK - IT - DOWN -

- What do you need to do to make sure you achieve that goal?
- Write a focused list of all the actions.

If one of those actions is something like "believe in myself", then do whatever it takes to build your self confidence. EFT is great way, as is yoga or mediation. Try connecting with your Solar Plexus Chakra, it is yellow and radiates personal power and confidence. It is located under the ribs at the top of the stomach area. Connect with it, visualise it, see it glowing yellow. Try doing this while in Warrior pose. ;) 

- How can you support yourself while doing all these 'actions'? (Self-care is a biggie for me) Don't just think you can plough ahead and reach the finish line with our looking after yourself. 

- Plan into your week, activities which will relax you, fill you up, make you happy. 
- Get a calendar and plan in these actions over time, making sure you schedule and distribute your time efficiently and evenly.

4. Goals take action. So get on and do it - feel the fear. What is the worst that could happen? Seriously? I choose to see each experience as a learning experience. If I want to do something, if I really put myself on the line and do something scary and it goes wrong or doesn't work out how I'd hoped, I simply reflect:

"What has this experience taught me?" "Were my expectations realistic?" "What can I learn for this?" 
"What will I do differently next time?" "Why didn't it work out? Was the 'goal' out of alignment? i.e. did I want it for the wrong reasons?"

4. Tap. Emotional Freedom Technique - I use EFT with my clients all the time when fears come up. A common fear is letting people down. So I recorded this tap-a-long video for you to use. Please check out my other videos introducing EFT/Tapping before you tap-a-long. Please get in touch if you'd like to know more about working with me via Skype.

5. STOP CARING WHAT PEOPLE THINK. Easier said than done, I know, but what other people think of you is none of your business. You will never know what someone thinks - so stop worrying.

What other people say about you however is. I understand peoples words can be hurtful, but when people say unkind, hurtful and judgemental things, it is mostly a reflection of themselves rather than you

Their unkind teasing? Usually jealousy. Their put downs?  A reflection they don't have much confidence themselves. Opposition or limiting what you are capable of? A sign they don't believe in themselves or are scared you might become 'better' than them.

Either way - on the way to your dreams you need a tribe of supportive people, not put-downers. Distance yourself from that. Be positive, be supportive, be kind. 

What do you do to overcome fear? What things have you tried? Could you share them? Please leave a comment. What are you most scared of failing at?

Kathryn Pearson is an EFT practitioner specialising in helping sensitive teens and young women combat stress, fear and worry. Her mission is to give the next generation the confidence and tools to break free from negative thinking and be able to follow their dreams, using EFT, a meridian energy therapy, often referred to as tapping, and other successful positive mindset practises and strategies. Aiming to empower and inspire the world over. Visit her website or contact

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Friday, 23 October 2015

Important vs Urgent

I know the things that are important to me; my family, my health, my friends, my business, my book, yoga, mediation, my diet, my weekly priorites, doing the things I love and enjoy like art, reading and writing. So you'd think that my time was filled with these activities.

But noooooo. I find myself procrastinating doing my 'jobs'. The things that are urgent operceived to be urgent by me - replying to emails and being 'social' on various media outlets, cleaning my bathroom, tidying toys up, dusting, emptying the dyson, cleaning my hob or microwave, food shopping, commenting on blogs and listening to the newest podcast thats caught my eye. Trying to tackle the BIG stuff like learning new information (wether thats in relation to business or my interests) without implementing what I've already learned. It can be quite frustrating and annoying; my 'work days' can end and I haven't accomplished even half of what I wanted to, I feel exhausted and depleted. 

Being self-employed this simply isn't an option. I cannot waste my 'work-time' by focussing on stuff that just simply isn't important. Maybe you have limited time to do your 'stuff', maybe you're even a student with loads of 'stuff' going on and you need to get focussed? If so, read on...

I once read an amazing book 'The 8 habits of highly effective people' by Stephen Covey. It's one of the most popular and helpful self-help books I've ever come across. One of the 'habits' are "PUT FIRST THINGS FIRST".

Stephen Covey explains in his book that we can catagorise our daily/work tasks into 4 areas. 

Important / urgent- Crisises, deadlines, emergencies,
Important / not urgent  - relationships, health, business goals, self-care, enjoyable activities (which are productive)!

Non important / urgent -  Interruptions, emails, meetings, pre-planned commitments, cleaning
Non important / non urgent - trivial stuff, time wasting, gossiping, social medial, searching to web, cleaning, general procrastination!

To propel our lives forward he states we should spend our time doing/nurturing the important non-urgent stuff

But what seems to happen (for me and others of you out there) is the important urgent and the both aspects of the non important stuff take priority because we feel we have to do these things (limiting belifs and media influence/media role models etc) and of course sometimes the important urgent HAS to take prioroty.

I know I spend most of my time doing the non important urgent/non urgent stuff. This will never help me fulfil my dreams and live a 'happy fulfilled life' and my goals? Likely to never happen. 

We become so consumed with living a fast pace life, stretching our selves beyond our natural capabilities and capacity that we don't create time or make the important / non urgent stuff the priority.

The important / non urgent stuff becomes so far out of reach we don't think we can ever achieve it son we ignore it and neglect it. Also getting into the habit of spending our time doing non urgent non important stuff is the worst thing ... hello facebookers/YouTube addicts! :)

So I have (almost!) managed to crack this and I wanna share how. Firstly I used my sister in law's amazing planners (She's a shamaze textile artist who is a creative right brainer like me.) Go take a peek at her amazing textile art on Instagram, and email her if you'd like a copy of her planners.

Setting weekly priorities for me was something I learned whilst being mentored by Sally Canning. Sometimes I'd do them and sometimes I wouldn't. Sarah has devised a way which makes sure you get them done!

Weekly priorities "Put first things first."

Firstly set three weekly priorities, sometimes one of mine is self - care and this included meditating everyday, early nights etc, others are business related.

Once this is done break each task down into smaller ones and plot these smaller, manageable tasks into your week where you have free time. ONLY doing your weekly priorities is ESSENTIAL to making progress - especially if you're a progression addict like me! I have to be making progress to be satisfied.

Each time I find myself doing something, I ask my self - "Is this part of my weekly priorities?", "Is this Important?" 

If the answer is NO, it write the tasks onto a new post it and put it at the end of my weekly priorities. It will get done when my weekly priorities have been done. 

Accountability, Accountability, accountability!

I used to HATE this word, but now it is my most favourite. 

Me and a friend, who are in similar situations, are each others 'accountability partners'. This means each week we review our week and express what we've achieved and what we didn't manage to do etc. There's no nasty tut-tut's or telling offs, it is just a way of celebrating successes, tracking progress and pitfalls or difficulties, and if you have an amazing friend like  me - you get constructive and helpful advice from a different perspective which I wouldn't have gotten if it was just 'me'.

I find it so helpful to accountable for my goals. If I say I'm going to do something and never tell anyone, it's very easy for me to not to do it. No one knows I didn't do it. 

If I'm accountable for my goals (i.e. by telling my accountability partner) then I'm much more likely to do it!

So get organised, get prioritising and get asking yourself "Is this IMPORTANT?" 

Working out what is important, like really important, to you is possibly your first step. Take sometime today to reflect what is really important to you

Happiness, health, my goals, relationships, etc... then start thinking about how you spend your time. 

If its not doing the important/non urgent stuff then STOP! Rethink, re-plan and get prioritising.

Kathryn Pearson is an EFT practitioner specialising in helping sensitive teens and young women combat stress, fear and worry. Her mission is to give the next generation the confidence and tools to break free from negative thinking and be able to follow their dreams, using EFT, a meridian energy therapy, often referred to as tapping, and other successful positive mindset practices and strategies. Aiming to empower and inspire the world over. Visit her website or contact

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Sunday, 27 September 2015

Love is all you need.

Each of us has the power to raise our vibration, Shine our light,

Be the calm,
Be the peace,
Be the positive,
Be the LOVE.
Step by step,
Piece by piece,
Person by person,
We have the power to change an entire generation.

Light up the children and shine the light on them.

Raise peaceful and fulfilled humans,
Pave the way for our planets future. 

Blaze like the cosmic diamond violet flame,
A path clear enough for them to see.

A world where oneness is the norm,
Where peace, love and calm lead the way.

No power struggles, no bankers, no war, no bombs, no killing, no hurt, no scarcity, pain or negativity.

We have the power.
We have the knowledge.
We have the LOVE.

LOVE always wins,
Love is the answer,
Love, love, love, love is all you need.

In those moments of despair, choose love, choose it, breathe it, live it, act it, be the LOVE.

Saturday, 26 September 2015

Home Poem

I am Home
Home is here
Home is me

Home is peaceful and happy
Home is shallow water and crystal seas

Home is blue and clear
Home is calm and subtle

Home is radiant 
Home twinkles in the light

Home is forgiving
Home is still and loving

Home is beautiful, magnificent and wonderful
Home is warm and soft

I am home
Home is here
Home is me

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Video Blog - lessons and feeling supported tap along

This weekend my back gave way. My sacral joint is inflamed and my muscles have spasmed to contort my body. 

It hurts. I can't do anything. Even sitting is painful. But this has nothing to do with my body,  nothing at all.

It's all to do with fear and resisting change.

My mind and spirit are ready to go, forge out a new path and create the life of my dreams.

But my subconscious and my body are resisting change. The past is being thrown at me.

Now I'm no stranger to a bit of resistance. I've been through so many changes in the past year or two that I've become a bit of a queen at dealing with resistance.

But this; man this one is bad. 

I've been house bound for a week. I almost didn't want to write about it, I mean, "this stuff just doesn't happen to them spiritual happy hippy types" right?

But it has and it does! And there's no way I'm hiding this from anyone. There is no pretending that the journey is easy and full of pure happiness.

So what's the lesson?

Watch my video to find out and complete a tapping sequence with me all around feeling supported.

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Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Self-Care for Empaths and Modern Females Everywhere

Firstly thank you so much for all the love I received after my last newsletter/blog about being an empath and being spiritual.

I makes my heart sing and shine and dance when I get amazing feedback from people who I don't know! Just knowing that I've helped even one person feel less alone makes me super proud and happy. So thank you for your messages.

So based on the feedback I got, I decided I would put together this blog about 'self care for an empath, or highly sensitive', but it's not exclusive for these kids of people! I would encourage every female to read this blog wether you think you are HS/Empath or not.

It's estimated that 20% of the population are Highly Sensitive or Empaths, and surprisingly of that 20% men and women equally make up that number. I think, however, even more people are HS or Empathic and don't realise it. As adults, they have become excellent hiders.

I most definitely believe more children are being born Highly Sensitive or Empathic too. I'm reading a great book titled "Highly Sensitive Children" By Dr E Aron, I was drawn to this book because I think my daughter is Highly Sensitive and I want to learn as much as I can about how I can nurture this trait, so she understands it and so she can flourish as a Highly Sensitive Empath from a young age.

Being an empath can be tough. But it can be one of the best things ever.

Learning to protect yourself and your energy is key to being happy, which sounds tricky but it isn't. Even if you don't consider yourself an empath or HS, then some of these tips could be excellent for you when you've had a busy or stressful week/day/month. I've ordered these tips with the practical information first and then the 'woo-woo' energy stuff last.

So if you like a bit of angels and weird then read until the end.

So what do I do?

There's loads of stuff I try to do personally, and this list isn't the whole story, everyone is different and I've found tons of advice on the internet in the past, I would suggest just reading and picking out what fits you best.

So here's my essential list of how I try to take care of myself, not just as an Empath, but as a human being.

Not over loading yourself.

I get drained and overwhelmed if I find myself in busy places, around a lot of people, new places, negative people or anywhere 'busy'. I know this about myself and so if I have to go somewhere like this, I make sure I do my energetic protection stuff (see below) and make sure I plan in some rest and down time afterwards (see below).

This might mean the next day I don't do anything, or I say no to meeting up with people.

If I have to be 'busy', I make sure I'm fully aware of how it might affect me - this knowingness makes it less frustrating and confusing when I suddenly feel drained and wiped out, get ill or feel overwhelmed/agitated. This might sound like I'm pre-empting this kind of behaviour - (even to me it does as I type this) - but the more aware I become and the more energetic protection I do, the less I feel the deep drains of being HS and empathic.

I know I am likely to feel drained - wether I think I am going to be or not (sometimes I forget and get so frustrated later on in the day when I feel tired, agitated and drained) - so I protect myself. 

It's so easy in todays society to have a full weekend of over stimulating activities, tiring and draining schedules and never ending to do lists. Because of this, I avoid planning lots of draining activities all together in a short space of time. Me and my family are more productive and happier when we are rested, unstimulated and doing activities we love. 

Having a calendar where you can plot all your 'goings on' is a great way of seeing balance. Too busy and too much stuff going on? Cancel what you can, don't do the things you think you 'should' be doing and DON'T comprise your sanity for the sake and needs of others. Keep your schedule balanced, with your sanity in mind. 

Make time for calm, peace and downtime.

"But I haven't got time"

Then make time.

There's no excuses here, even if its a ten minute breathing practice or a mini guided mediation. If I know I have a busy weekend, I will try to keep the following one clear. Or if I have been somewhere particularly draining, like a shopping centre, I try and get out for a walk afterwards, or the following day. When I refer to 'balance' in the previous point, this is what I mean, yes, get out and do things, fulfil the commitments you have, but make sure your schedule has balance - make time for downtime, quiet time, rest, peacefulness, being out in nature, unplugging and being WiFi free, a bath, reading a good book or doing something you love. 

Noticing changes 

One of the best ways I protect myself is by being totally aware of how I feel and being on the look out for changes in my energy. If I notice a change, maybe if someone I'm around is negative or moaning etc, and I feel different, then I quickly check in with myself and notice this shift. I say to myself "this is not my energy, I don't accept it" and let it go, connecting with how I felt before the other energy affected me.

I was quite hard for me  to get a grip of this one; I found owning how you 'feel' and noticing if this changes is a skill which needs practice, but thats because I spent years and years taking on other peoples moods and energy without knowing what was going on.

Being responsible for my own energy and feelings is how I'm slowly getting my power back. And it's one of the best tools I've learned.

Next time you notice a change in your energy or mood, check in with how you felt before, say to yourself "this is not my energy, I feel *****", and let it go, realigning with how you feel. It's hard being around mood hoovers and negative energy, so owning how you feel, really gives you the control and power.


Non-negotiable daily practice. Each morning, if I can, I spend 12 mins doing a guided meditation which I downloaded, if i can't do it in the morning I do it right after I've put my daughter to bed. If I have more time I do my Kryia which takes about 20-30mins, which I learned at the Art of Living course. Sometimes I listen to really long Angel mediations in the bath!

I also try and paint or draw whenever I get a spare bit of time, I class this as mediation too. Any time where I switch off and don't think about what I should be doing, what I have to do, "what's next?", is classed as mediation. 

So basically my passions; painting, writing, yoga, mediation, family time in the woods or at the beach. All meditation.

This fills me back up, especially when my energy is low or I feel disconnected, not myself or just plain weird (which other people describe as anxious).

I cannot tell you the massive and profound impact mediation has had on my life. It's the single thing that I cannot live without. I NEVER thought I had the time and I had the busiest mind EVER. It never switched off and it never shut up, especially when I tried to meditate.

Slowly overtime these thoughts became quieter and easier to let go, I never thought I'd be good at meditating, but now I switch off almost immediately and can let the thoughts go which come into my mind. Download an app, attend a class, try different ones - most importantly - keep at it - it's life changing.

Saying 'No'

Sometimes I just have to say no. It sounds harsh and maybe you feel like you couldn't say no to someone in your life - yet - that's ok. 

But just try it out. I was the biggest 'yes' person going, doing anything and everything to please people and follow the crowd, desperately doing anything to fit in. IT WAS EXHAUSTING. I no longer do this and it took a lot of discipline, guts and commitment.  It felt so awkward to say no to people, but if it doesn't feel right or its likely to compromise me, I gracefully decline or say no.

This doesn't mean I don't help people out, this is pretty much all I do! I just don't do what might drain me, what doesn't feel right or which makes me feel awkward, agitated or uncomfortable. And it doesn't mean I stay at home alone all day everyday - it just means I try to balance my life as best I can.

Reading and swatting up

Knowledge is power. If I'm honest I used to hate reading and writing. Now its all I do. 

Once I bought my first self help book, reading became fun again. I was learning about how to create a better life for myself, not reading some whimsical or fictional story. That kind of stuff just doesn't interest me. I like real!

There are some amazing books in the world, right now Wayne Dyer's books are at a reduced price, Louise Hay, Ester and Jerry Hicks, Susan Jeffers also have some amazing self help books. Currently I'm reading 'The Highly Sensitive Child' By Dr. E Aron, but any books on High Sensitivity or Empathic personalities will empower you, if you are a HSP or empathic. Self-help books in general are my kind of fun, but if you want to know more about something, the most important thing to do is LEARN. 

I'm also fascinated by Archangels and I'm also reading a book called "An Archangels Guide to Ascension"  by Diana Cooper, which is FABULOUS for anyone who wants to know more about this amazing topic and how to raise the vibration of the planet.

Clear spaces

My friends and family think I'm fussy and OCD about mess. Truth is, I am. I hate clutter and mess, not because I think it dirty necessarily, but because it's stuff agitates me. Cupboards full of old stuff, papers, crap, clothes I never wear, 'stuff', I hate it. 

Clear it out, throw it away, let it go. 


Notice how your energy changes around people, notice how you feel in someones company. If you sense a significant change then you have two choices; don't spend time with them or if this isn't an option, you have to protect yourself and be aware of changes in your energy and apply the points I've mentioned previously and which I'm about to.

The woo-woo energetic stuff is especially important here, so read on.

Letting people go can be tough, friends who've been around for years might be painful to leave, but if someone isn't a match with you anymore, you have to accept that and move on with love. Friends outgrow friends, people outgrow people, things change.

Some people you might not be able to 'let go' of, and you may have to practice the art of forgiveness and acceptance. This has been one of my biggest challenges, and speaking from experience it takes time, but like I've said before, 'knowledge is power', and as soon as I learned how to protect my own energy, life around people who I couldn't move away from, became much easier. I was able to forgive and accept. 

Energetic Stuff - the woo woo part!


Firstly I zip up. This was taught to me by my mentor Sally.  It's a simple way to zip up and protect your energy and you do this by using the closed palm of your right hand to draw an imaginary line from your base (pelvic region) to the top of your head 3 times.

I do this before I go out, let people into my house, enter a supermarket, shopping centre or anywhere there is new people or lots of people. I do it espcially if I'm nervous or worried. I might look a bit silly but becomes second nature once you remember to do it.

I reinforce this by asking Archangel Michael to place his blue protective light around me. The Archangels are here willing to help, all you have to do is ask. You don't have to be religious or belive in God. They aren't connected to a specific religion either. We all have our own guardian angels, but the Archangels are here to look out for us all. No matter what.

I'm no expert on angels but they each have a specific colour,  most (if not all) are linked to a chackra and all have a specific role. For example, Archangel Micheal's colour is blue, he is linked to the throat chackra and he is espcially here to help protect us.

Asking him to place his blue protective light around you can seal up your energies so others can't infiltrate yours and deplete your energy or affect your moods. You can also ask for the white light of source to protect you and only allow in love. Imagine a blue and white protective light around you before you start your day or before you enter a situation which might deplete you. 

Protective crystals include Lapis Lazuli and Labrodite. I'm currently searching for a perfect necklace with either of these crystals, so I can have a piece of protection around me for when I get caught unaware by people or situations!


I've just discovered aura cleansing and bought my first sage stick and found an incense fragrance which doesn't irritate me!

Wafting a sage stick around myself really has a notible impact if I've been around heavy negative energies.  I love burning incense too to clear the energy from my home, often after people have been in it.

With the sage stick you simply light it and waft it around your body/aura with the intention of clearing your aura and energy.

Incense the same, I walk around my home with the incense with the intention of clearing any lower or negative energies in my space.

Crystals also can clear the energy in your home, which is something I'm learning more and more about. There is lots of information online about crystals and which ones are cleansing/protecting etc. I learned to place my crystals around my home and ask them to absorb the negative energies, the following morning I would cleanse the crystal by rinsing it under running water and with the intention of washing the negative away down into the waterways for recycling. 

I have a massive Himalayan rock salt lamp in my home too. They are great for clearing electromagnetic energies given off by phones, computers and devices. They're pretty cheap and can be found on amazon and in crystal shops. 

Epsom salt baths are my Number 1 favourite way to feel re-balanced and cleansed! Epsom salt can now be found in lots of shops including Boots, online and in healthful shops. Candles, crystals, epsom salt bath and an angel meditation = my perfect cleansing and re-balancing night in.

So, I think that is about it! Woo a long one, thank you for reading. I hope you found it helpful.

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