Saturday, 30 January 2016

So, You just NEVER get stressed?

A few times this week, I've had this conversation.

People are interested to know what I'm doing but when I tell them, their immediate reaction is to say something along the lines of:

"So you just never get stressed then?"

Whaaaaaat?!?!!? No I didn't say that.

And it dawned on me that people think what I do, what I'm about, is never being stressed; totally getting rid of stress. 

Living in the clouds and wistfully floating around in the world all happy and stress free and annoying.

Not true.

Getting rid of stress is not really an option. Living in the clouds - as much as I'd like to - isn't an option either.

Stress, fast paced lifestyles and set backs are part of life. We need stress to keep us alive.

'Stress' in the form of fear keeps me going! If it wasn't for fear I wouldn't feel like I was doing what I was supposed to be doing. 

I certainly GET STRESSED!

"Stress" or more specifically the Fight and Flight response, is a vital human survival mechanism and without it we would die - simple. But in todays world the Fight and Flight response and the sympathetic nervous system are in a constant state of 'on'. 

And its that 'on' state that makes it really hard for us to switch off and relax and feel like we can cope with all of life challenges. So when something comes along which is quite scary - like an exam you really need to pass - your ability to cope with the stress it creates is unbearable.

So what I do ? What I'm really passionate about:

I teach young people to calm their sympathetic nervous system (stress response) through pranayama, (breathing), yoga movements and EFT, so that you can deal with stress and be more resilient to stressful situations.

Helping you deal with life's challenges.

Helping you to be able to cope better with stress. 

Which in turn helps:

Change your perceptions.

Gets you to think differently. Be happier. More in control. More confident. 

Be amazing. Making a difference in the world. Doing what you love - which in turn lights up the world.


Its not about living a stress free life, (like, who can actually do that?!) it's about learning how to deal with stress and worry, effectively and mindfully so that life's stress or humps in the road don't drag you down, control your life and make you hide away, just like I did. 

Yoga and EFT have helped create massive changes in my life and helped me learn to deal with daily stresses. 

And believe me - I have a 4 year old, money worries, I worry about if I'm good enough, if what I'm working on and towards will be any good, will it all just fail? 

Every time I press 'publish' I get a wave of annoying doubt; "will anyone read it this time? What will-so and-so think?" 

But I learned vital tools and techniques which help me deal with these emotions and thoughts. 

And ALL I wish is that I'd learned how to do that earlier in my life! So thats why I love helping young women like you, learn these tools and techniques, so you don't hide away and let stress, worry and fear keep you small, stuck and hidden.

Its not a quick fix and it can't be done just once. It takes commitment and determination to change. 

Taking care of your emotional well-being during your adolescent years is crucial to avoid mental health problems, such as depression and anxiety disorders, and physical health challenges such as IBS, Headaches, inflammation and other stress related illness in your adulthood.

Prevention is better than the cure ;)

If you want to know more about working with me email for affordable packages and classes.

Sunday, 17 January 2016

What will they think? How to stop caring what people think about you.

Everything is going great, you're excited about something new happening, you're looking forward to the future, you get a new outfit, you realise you fancy someone; then BAM, your stomach sinks and you remember, them.

That person; who judges you, has something to say about every. single. thing. you do, say, wear, eat, drink...

Sometimes they don't even say anything - you know they're judging you, you can pick up on their thoughts, you know they're laughing about you behind your back.


"What will they think? What will they say?" And more importantly who will they say it to and in front of?

 Learning to ignore what people think of you feels like a never ending struggle.


I spent a huge amount of time worrying about what people thought of me and I limited my life, so that I could avoid embarrassment, judgements and ridicule. 

So here are some tips to help you care less about what other people think and deal with the crap that comes with it...

1. It's not your job to know what every single person thinks.

Hands down the best advice I have ever been given is: "It's none of your business what other people think of you, its only your own opinion of yourself that matters.

And this could not be more right. 

Who cares what Debbie from Maths thinks of you? Whatever you think she thinks, its probably wrong. Nobody truly knows what another person is thinking - you can't control it anyway - so stop letting it control you. 

  •  Next time you catch yourself wondering what someone thinks of you say to yourself "It is none of my business what they think of me, I am amazing and that's all that matters!" (or something similar if 'amazing' is a bit cringe - but you are!)

NB: If someone openly judges or criticises you, then know this - when people judge you, they are usually judging something they dislike about themselves. 

So what they dislike about you - they dislike about themselves. It is so easy to outwardly project a judgement onto someone else. Its not about you, its about them.

2. When people are just mean - piss taking and 'banter'. 

Oh the joyous work of 'BANTER'. People seem to think that if they label bullying as "banter" then it's ok. It's not. 

When people actively take part in banter, bullying, piss taking etc it usually means one of two things: 

1. Firstly - They want your attention; whether it's because they fancy you or they simply want a reaction out of you.

Communicating with members of the opposite/same sex is scary shit. 

If only they knew the way to your heart was kindness. 

Most adolescents are insecure, they play up to the crowd and try to hide their feelings from their mates. 

If they are that annoying - just have a word with them, tell someone, don't speak to them, ignore them, break away from the group, don't put up with it and don't take what they say to heart.

2. Secondly - you make them insecure about themselves, they're jealous of you in some way or they are dissatisfied/unhappy with their own life - making you miserable makes them feel better.

 Harsh but true. 

The loudest most outwardly confident people are quite often the most insecure and unhappy people. Take a second to have some compassion for how they must be feeling to want to make you feel so bad. What must their life be like for them to want to treat you this way? 

I'm not for a second saying you should  put up with 'bullying' just because they're having a hard time; not at all. But realising that it's not about you, its about them, takes some of their power away, making it harder for them to hurt you.

  • Next time some banter is going down take a step back and ask 'Is it likely he/she could fancy me or want my attention?', or 'Whats going on for them that's making them treat me so badly?' Send some compassion and love their way and release what they say - its not about you - its them. 

3. Know yourself

If we constantly adapt our lives to fit in, to make sure we are not picked on or stand out, we never get to know who we truly are. 

Each one of us has a purpose for being here in this world at this time - the problem is we forget what it is we are here to do. 

What do you love to do? What lights you up? What makes your heart swell? What are you naturally good at? What did you do easily and freely as a child? 

We are all unique and celebrating that uniqueness is crucial to being happy and releasing what other people think about you. 

What is it you are truly good at? What lights you up? If there were no limits, what would you choose to do with your life. DO THAT, no matter how crazy it seems - do it. 

Lastly - Imagine a white light around you, encircling you and protecting you. It only allows love in and out. Imagine this white light around you when you need protection from hurtful words. It's your energetic seal and once you get practised at imagining it around you, the stronger it will get. 

Also try using these affirmations: 

"Kindness flows out of me and to me, kindness is all around me."

"It's not about me, it's about them, I am safe."

"I choose loving and supportive friends - I am worthy"


Have you downloaded my FREE de-stress meditation recording? It's a free audio file which you can download straight to your phone/device. The feedback so far has been amazing - helping relax and sent so many people to sleep!!! 

If you're stressed or struggling to sleep; check it out here >>

Sunday, 3 January 2016

I will not ever do that again...

This time last year life was pretty exciting. I had decided I was going to quit my job to follow my dreams of helping people.

I knew I had more to give and I knew my heart wasn't in my current role as a School Teacher.

I'd discovered EFT - this amazing energetic therapy and it was transforming my life and the lives of my (few) clients.

I started out in January trying to help women with EFT and their struggle with weight and food.

It seemed logical.

Many 'people' had told me this was a lucrative and potentially successful area of business which would help me transition out of my job.

It seemed to use my skills and talents and even to some extent, my passions.

But it didn't feel quite right.

It didn't feel in alignment with my core desires or feelings. It felt a bit ikky.

Inside I was in turmoil. As the weeks passed and I got ZERO clients, I became more and more desperate to course correct and change what I was doing. My blogs were awful. I wasn't writing from the heart. I felt foolish and stupid.

I knew nothing about blogging, nothing about leadpages or growing my list, nothing about vlogs, Facebook ads, starting a YouTube channel, had little experince of working intuitively with EFT, I didn't listen to my intuition very often, I pushed and pushed myself, I didn't really meditate, I lived mostly out of my ego, I didn't do art or wasn't creative as often as I should be, I didn't take time for myself,  I didn't do yoga enough, I didn't breathe properly.

Don't get me wrong... I was learning and making huge steps in January 2015 (and previously in 2014), but I was in a very different place to now.

Thankfully in January 2015 I did something profoundly mind blowing for me. I took a whole 3 evenings and a full weekend away from my family and did a meditation/breathing course with the Art of Living. It was hard pushing through the "I can't leave my family/I feel so guilty/I can't afford it/I'm not good enough" fears!

However: (and I don't say this lightly)

It. Changed. My. Life.

Literally layers of my ego were shed .. by literally I mean I actually saw them evaporate away, leaving my body, disappearing up into the light.

I gained a clear insight into my desires and roots of my frustrations. 

I heard my inner voice loud and clear.

Be authentic

Be adventurous

Help the girls

Shine your light

Use your talents

We are all one

Love. Love yourself. Love others. Love.

It changed me on an energetic level. Life was never the same after that course. I still bang in a out it today because it was profoundly moving for me.

And then in March 2015 I wrote this blog

It was one of the most scary things ever, but reading it back makes me cry with joy.

I told to my 'followers' (aka the world!) that I was changing course and focusing on teenagers. I'd spent the last 7 years with teenagers and I knew how much stress ruled their lives. I knew deep down my mission in life was to help them - teach them exactly what I'd learnt. 

I felt free, liberated, in tune and in the flow. Perfectly in alignment with what I was put here to do.

So March it all changed.  But I had NO idea how it was going to work. 

I kept getting all entangled in plans and more plans. What was I going to do? I had no idea.

But I was blessed with this inner faith and knowing that it was all going to be OK.

All because of my dedicated spiritual practice. 

Daily meditation was at the root of this. I started off doing my Kriya (breathing practice) which I learnt during the Art of Living course for 40 days following my course. But it was full on, fitting it into my busy working/home life was a struggle. I gave gratitude everyday, filling every page of my gratitude journal of 2015. Up until about November I did it religiously every night.  Every night!

Part way through the year the angels called me too! Me and a few of my hardcore tribe soul friends came across some amazing Doreen Virtue angel meditations and I listened to them everyday. I let go. I trusted and I enjoyed every moment of each day.  I felt supported and loved in a very new way. 

Now mid July I still had no clue how I was going to fulfil my dreams of helping teens. EFT seemed the best option at the time and I poured my heart into gaining clients and building my list, Facebook ads and blog writing.

I sent out a very scary blog article to a Blogger site and it was accepted! My very scary and personal  'story' was shared with the world! Find the link to it here:

In August, after finishing Rebbecca Campbell's book, Light is the new black,  I felt confident enough to come out of my spiritual closet and I shared that in this blog -

I discovered I'm an empath, a highly sensitive person and even deeper than that, an intuitive highly sensitive.

For years I've thought something was wrong with me but it turns out I'm sensitive! Now if getting to know yourself on that kind of level isn't an achievement I don't know what is!

Each time I connected to my inner voice (my soul whispers or my 'intuition') I kept getting the same response:

"Be patient, all is well,  it's coming, we're working it all out for you, keep doing what you're doing, be patient, trust, allow, let go of the outcome"

I'm being serious - EVERY TIME! The same response.

So even in my desperation to know what the outcome was going to be, the only answers I ever got were ones of "just chill Kathy,  it's all fine." 

So I did.

I can't imagine what a state I would have got myself in, or what I would have done out of desperation had I not listened to those whispers. It seemed bonkers to everyone else - but I just kept my cool, chilled and trusted.

One morning in late August I came across a link to Charlotta Martinus' Teen yoga programme.

Ta-dah! Pivotal life moment alert.

I know wholeheartedly this wouldn't have come my way if I hadn't had created the space for it. If I hadn't trusted and let go of the outcome.

So the end of November comes. I'd had a stockpile of clients, written lots more of my book, completed my Teen Yoga training, marketed and carried out some Teen Yoga sessions, been briefly involved with Each Amazing Breath, been in meetings with local colleges and schools about Teen Yoga sessions and even written my most scariest and successful blog/article - which you can find here 

My head was spinning and I needed a break.

But the thing is I 'took a break' from everything. My whole spiritual practise broke down. I felt like I was the arm of a record player skipping over and over a record. Stuck. Replaying the same old crackly tune.

Which made the end of 2015 really, really hard. Hard to be positive. Hard to celebrate. Hard to recognise all the achievements of possibly my most exciting, inspiring and transformative year ever. I felt as though I was stuck in thick sludge and there was nothing or no one that could save me.

Writing this has been so cathartic for me.

I wasn't even sure I was going to publish this, I mean, who needs to hear THIS?!

But then something from my Time hop made me sit up and take notice. This time last year (and every year for the past 7) I was sitting at my desk MARKING A Level coursework - I hated it. I remembered very strongly how much I hated it. It was like a smack in the face - sit up and realise how far you've come! Sit up and acknowledge all that you've done, achieved and accomplished.  Sit up and bloody realise how amazing you are!!

I remember promising myself "I will not ever do this ever again - ever!"

And thats coming true.
I pushed through my ego fear of caring whether people want/need to hear this. My year was so transformational because I listened to my inner voice and wrote what it guided me to. And that helped people. It inspired people and it allowed me to feel in the flow. 

It doesn't matter if Im the only person to ever read this. It will go where it needs to go. I'm not attached to the outcome and 2015 taught me that.

My 2016 started with lots of meditation, gratitude and connecting with my soul whispers and I can safely say it will end that way too.

Thank you 2015. You were amazing. And I mean amazing. So much more has happened and unravelled and I'm so in love with my journey. I'm so in love with the soul who I am. I'm forever grateful.