Music has been a massive theme for this week and it's making my cry A LOT. I'm sobbing tears of the past. Big massive tears.
I know I'm realising the past.
I had a bit of a hankering for some classic MJ. 'Black or white' was the first song I thought of. I put it on and danced around like I did when I was a teenager.
It ended and I wanted more of that feeling, the next song I clicked on was 'Man in the mirror', without too much thought. Within seconds I was in tears, singing the lyrics to my self in the mirror (how teenage of me!) But seriously in was in floods of tears. It touched a part of me I didn't even know existed. Raw emotion.
I listened so closely to the lyrics...
"I'm starting with the man in the mirror, I'm asking him to change his ways, and no message could be any clearer, if you want make the world a better place take a look at yourself and make the change."
And I sobbed some more. Part of me wants to help the world. I want to make the change.
Be the change.
And maybe the reason I cried so much because sometimes it feels to me, so overwhelming when I see images of global humanitarian crisis, helpless citizens of war torn countries, refugees, oppressed and dictatorship countries. How on earth can little old me help?
It all feels too big.
I try so hard to avoid the media and the news. It shows me stuff about the world I don't like and I don't want to see. To some people that maybe naive. I often feel judged; like it's a bad thing not to know what's going on in the world. But in my eyes, the more we (the global population) know about what goes on in the world, (aka the bad stuff) the more power we give it, the more we think about the bad stuff and the more it occurs.
So I my eyes, the less I know about the bad stuff the less I think about it, therefore I'm helping stop it occurring because I'm not contributing the the global consciousness.
Instead I focus on the positive, the good, the joy, happiness, peace and love. In my eyes, that's my way of helping.
But even that sometimes doesn't feel like enough.
A tiny drop in the massive ocean.
But instead of beating myself up, I let it go. Let the feelings of overwhelm go with my tears. Because I know that my contribution, even the tiny one I feel I make, makes a difference.
One person, one relationship, one consciousness at a time.
And that's all I can do. For now.
A dream I have is to see the fall of mass media as we know it. Can you imagine a world without the media?
How amazing would it be to not need the media? To not be influenced by the media?
I gave up watching the news, reading papers and listening to the news on the radio about two years ago, quite honestly I don't think I've missed out on anything. I've still given to charity and charitable causes that needed help, I've still been able to have a conversation about world issues if I'd needed to, I've still been 'aware' of what's going on in the world. I just haven't fed into, I haven't had the images imprinted in my mind, I haven't contributed to any scaremongering or global worrying. (Have you noticed that when there is a plane crash that makes the news, there is often a following one?... that's global law of attraction for you right there!)
There's good stuff that happens in the world but why don't we get shown that?
It's a question to get you thinking, WHY don't we? Why isn't the news filled with good stuff? Funny stuff or stories of happiness? Why doesn't the news bring us joy?
I have my own opinions but I'd rather you make your own decisions on that one.
Dr Wayne Dyer died this week, most people I spoke to didn't have a clue who he was; which saddens and pains me. He was one of the greatest teachers of our lifetime and his books and speeches and film should be read and watched by the masses. If we all could act and be a little bit more like Wayne, the world could be amazing! (His family have priced all his books on Kindle Amazon at cut prices and his Movie "The Shift" can be watched for free here)
Anyway, before I get off track, back to the song.
"I'm starting with the man in the mirror, I'm asking him to change his ways, and no message could be any clearer, if you want make the world a better place take a look at yourself and make the change."
What ever you think of MJ, love him hate him, he has a clear and beautiful message.
I want to make the world a better place, and I'm constantly looking for areas of my life where I can make the change and make 'my world' a better place.
The world is a huge place and to think that we can't help change it is a horrible and bewildering thought.
But, I'm writing this to let you and myself know that we can make a difference, we can make the change.
We have to be the light, the love and the peace. We have to not feed into the mass culture of blame and hate, discrimination and selfishness. There is enough for everyone, if only we choose to look for it. If only we choose hope and love.
I choose love, oneness and peace. I hope you do too.
Wishing you all love, peace and joy.
Wishing you all love, peace and joy.
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