So it's finally here.
You've revised your back side off, you've had sleepless night, tearful breakdowns, panicked, stressy and angry outbursts.
There's nothing more you can do now.
And if that statement alone makes your heart sink and tummy flutter, then this blog is for you!
What is tapping? And why on earth should I listen to this crazy woman? See my videos below!
Even 5 mins in the toilets before you get called in can seriously help. (Anythings got to be better than listening to people with surnames begging with the same letter as yours, bang on about their exam stories - right?)
This stuff honestly works! I have helped so many teens using this technique during this exam period. My YouTube Channel has tons of videos which explain and show you how. Pop over there to find out more. Here's how you can start tapping now:
Start by tapping on the karate chop point, the fleshy part of the side of your hand; repeating a positive statement to yourself such as, "I am calm and confident, I can pass this exam".
Repeat 3 times here, before moving through the points starting at the top of the head.
Repeat the positive statement "calm and confident", "I will pass this exam" etc whilst tapping on each point in turn;
- top of the head,
- eyebrow point,
- side of the eye,
- under the eye,
- under the nose,
- under the bottom lip on your chin,
- along your collar bone,
- under your armpit (where your bra strap would be if female) and then back to the karate chop point.
At each point repeat the statement, breathing deeply and calmly. If emotions rise during this, breathe and keep tapping until they reduce. You may wish to do 3, 4 or even 5 rounds of this.
If you haven't seen my instructional videos on how to tap you can find it here, and my explanation of why EFT should and can be used when you're overwhelmed and trying to learn here.
I recently wrote a blog post all about affirmations... you can find it here. But put quite simply, an affirmation is a positive statement which you repeat silently to yourself, which helps combat negative thoughts. This helps quieten that negative, nagging voice deep inside and trains your subconscious to think and be more positive.
Affirmations can change your mindset from a place and fear, panic and worry to one that's confident, calm and in control.
"Whatever happens, I'll handle it" or "I am powerful and in control" or "I am calm, confident and in control of how I feel." Or something direct like "I will pass this exam"!!
Just repeat it silently to your self whenever you get the chance. If you get distracted or find your mind wandering, that's ok and normal! Just be mindful of that and then bring your thoughts and awareness back to the affirmation. This technique REALLY works! Just try it :)
Title a page: "Worries I want to let go of now."
What ever worries you most about the exam, the exam hall, the entire exam season, whatever it is, write it down. List all your worries and fears; no matter how small - even if it's needing a wee during the exam, being freezing cold in the hall or being distracted by the ticking clock. Write them down.
Imagine letting go of these worries. Imagine what life would be like without these worries...picture it, feel it, vision it.
"I'm letting go of my worries and moving towards my vision of a worry free life"
4. Ever heard of asking the universe for stuff?
(This might be a step too far for some of you, thats cool. just skip this one!)
The book 'the secret', cosmic ordering, law of attraction? I only discovered the Law of Attraction in my late 20's and so wish I'd learned about it sooner!
And believe. Relax. Trust. You have to meet the universe half way with this - you can't just get an A by asking for it. You have to work, take baby steps, act in a way that helps bring what you want towards you. So revise, work hard, but don't worry. Worry only creates a state of lack, panic and fear.
No one wants that. End it.
I'm not just into alternative therapies and woo woo stuff. I'm an organisational geek at heart. I love streamlining stuff, making things easier and prioritising.
Sounds obvious but segmenting your time, having a plan and sticking to it; reduces the need to worry about what you should be doing and how you're going to manage your time - one less thing to worry about!
No one else can plan this for you. You have to take action and be responsible. Be bold and brave; maybe even create your own affirmation for this; "I am organised and know what Im doing"!
Lastly.... Be kind, look after yourself, sleep when you need to sleep, eat what and when you need to eat, drink a PILE of water, daily. DONT talk about the exam after and don't take on other peoples worries. Get fresh air at every opportunity, get out in nature and take frequent doodle/colouring breaks! And please - put your phone in a drawer; there are no answers to your exam questions on SnapChat, Twitter or on the latest fashion blog :)
You won't need luck, so I wish you love and light x
Kathy xx
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